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3 Best New Window Trends of 2023

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Just as clothing fashion, house design and interiors have themes and designs that become trends, so do windows!

For 2023 – the window world has seen a few trends appear which are making our homes go from meh to WOW with a few subtle design changes…

So, without further waffling, let's dive into the 3 best new trends of 2023 in the world of windows.

Lead is dead

Leaded glass has been part of the UK’s glazing scene for more years than The Window Doctor has been in business (and we've been around since 1991). However, in the pursuit of fresh, clean designs and increasing want for more and more light, Lead is very much on the way out.

More and more customers are coming to us to replace leaded glass units with clear units.

Changing the leaded glass gives your windows a huge visual change without having to change any other part of the window. Clean, cost-effective, and quick, clean leadless units are for sure a huge impact option for your money.

Brushed and black is the new chrome

For the past 10 years chrome hardware on windows and doors has been the norm. As we kick off 2023 however, chrome has been replaced with 2 new colour schemes.

1) Brushed steel
2) Flat black

These 2 colours have seen a huge explosion in use on new window installs and in customers' houses looking to refresh their existing windows with a pop of colour.

From window handles, door handles, door knockers and even the hinges themselves, Brushed and black have become the colour for 2023!

Patterned glass is in the past

In privacy areas such as bathrooms and shower rooms, patterned glass has been a staple choice over the years.

Manufacturers such as Pilkington® have developed a huge array of glass designs to suit every style, design and personality.

2023 is setting the trend of clean, fresh and minimal, however. Here at The Window Doctor, we've seen a huge uptake in satin glass or generic frosted with no real design pattern.

The result is a clean finish which goes with every interior and every colour scheme, a huge win if you're looking to redecorate that particular area often!


Some trends come, and some trends go, but no matter what the trend, you still need your windows! So why not make them look the way you want them to?

As talked about in this article, there is loads of scope to make your windows, more you. Even better, this can be achieved without breaking the bank.

All three of the trends included above are ones that can be done to your existing windows! Basically, the secrets out, for a fraction of the cost of new windows, you can refurb them to look like new! Even better it takes half the time and 100% less mess and stress.

If you still have questions or need some advice then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 01455 850282 or shoot us an email!

We look forward to helping you soon and remember - Why Replace... We Repair...